the rocket is doing all sorts of good things.
i'm having more than a little trouble keeping up with it's output actually! there's been quite a few rockety salads with meals, but i'm also thinking of some rocket and feta mini quiches for the freezer are on the cards too!

it's somewhat overtaken the bed, though there has been one or two other things popping up too...

this to me looks a bit like a cauliflower... but it could also be a cabbage i guess... definitely some kind of brassica in any case. and i'm more than happy to have it there!
speaking of brassicas...

this little broccoli seedling sure has grown since i popped it in the ground.
i made an attempt to grow my own seedlings, and by attempt i mean i threw some (quite old) broccoli seeds at the soil. not surprisingly, nothing came up!
thankfully i found some seedlings at my favourite little produce place and for only 50 cents a piece to boot!
i planted four, and so far they're all looking pretty happy!
this collection of leafy greens are slowly SLOWLY making their mark...

the poor spinach is constantly battling against raspberry shoots that are popping up from the neighbouring bed, though it's certainly coming into it's own.
and the rainbow chard is looking like it's just about ready for a few small harvests!
i'm so excited to see so much growth in this little patch in the chook yard though...

check out how big the broadies are getting!!! and how splendid they look in the late afternoon sun!
while i was taking these photos, i started to get a little worried for the carrots i'd planted in between the broad beans...

but they're looking pretty happy too!
they could probably do with a little thinning... i may even get out and get that done tomorrow morning if the beautiful weather we've been having keeps up!
the days have been gorgeously sunny, the wind at a minimum and it has been inspiring me to get done all sorts of spring cleaning type activities! might be that ol' nesting instinct kicking in too i guess!
what's been growing in your patch recently? are you feeling any spring vibes yet?
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