a full week of work last week and i seem to have contracted a killer cold this week = not too many blog posts written :D
all good though, i'm in recovery mode now and therefore am back in the blogging saddle!
so what's been going on?
i've developed an unhealthy obsession with knitting dishcloths.

i've completed three already, and this one is about to come off my needles. a man-sized one on the request of bb.
i've also been keeping on with the slow-cooker. i must say though it is hard to get used to this way of cooking... (it's not hard to get used to coming home to a delicious smelling house and an almost ready to serve dinner though ;D) i'm used to slow cooking in the oven or on the stove which means adding lots of water to cope with evaporation. but no evaporation with the slow cooker :D
i am getting there though :D with delicious practice runs along the way!
i've been watching this little hyacinth, slowly poke it's way through the dirt in the little jar on my windowsill too. i can't wait for it to grow big and tall and fill my kitchen with the lovely scent of it's flowers :D

and i also signed up with sally to pay it forward. i'm more than a little excited, i love receiving and sending mail so it's most excellent :D
how it works is...
i'll make the first 3 people to comment on this post a little gift within the next year
and they in turn, write a blog post about paying it forward and send something they made to 3 other people within a year :D
the only catch is, that you have to have a blog, so you can pass it on!
I've been wanting to do this so would be willing to play along. :) Best wishes, Tammy
i still havent made my pay it forwards from over 6 mths ago!! so not sure im entitled to enter this one!!
I found your blog from Tammy and think this is a great idea....we sure need more acts of kindness....
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