so do you have big plans for march?
i'm going to finish my table and little footstool, they've both been started just need some finishing touches, like complete the sanding job and paint them and well basically most of it actually.... but this month, it'll happen! i'm also hoping to get some of my kitchen painted too! the inside of the cupboards are really appalling!
i'm also trying not to drink soft drink. it's just soooooooo full of kilojoules, all that sugar, fattening my butt and rotting my teeth, i definitely don't need it! hopefully this health goal sticks a bit better than last months too, i intended to visit the gym at least twice a week, i think i did it one week, and that was it! maybe i'll be a bit more successful at the goal in march too :D
after our successful organising this morning (it went much quicker than i expected actually), we happened upon a few op-shops and i bought a lovely zipper that i'm going to sew into my pouffe tonight so all the stuffing stops falling out!
oh and i thought i'd share a quick little project that i got stuck into last night.
i took these...
and this bag of fabric scraps...
and made these! much nicer than your average fridge magnets i think!
hope your march is much better than your february!
If you're not keen on replacing soft drink with water try adding a squeeze of fresh fruit juice to the water. Lemons or limes give a nice refreshing tang to a bland glass of water.
Cute fridge magnets!
Did everyone have a bad February? I was so glad it was a short month.
Even the lure of free craft supplies has not made anyone offer to help me clean my stash.
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