Thursday, April 26, 2012

my creative space

today, i'm working on a little beanie!

i'm about two thirds the way through this little fiery number and i managed to get two finished up on tuesday while i was nesting. with this one i'm working on, the my beanie total comes up to eight! only two to go before festival time!

maybe i'll have a bit of a show and tell tomorrow :D

what creative things have you been up to?
join in here!


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing your creations for this festival!! bit of fire is what is needed in this wintry weather that seems to have set in!

  2. LOVE the colour of the wool
    cant wait to see the finished beanie

  3. The beanie looks toasty, literally, like fire, it's gorgeous, love Posie

  4. perfect weather for a beanie :) & theperfect colour too!!

  5. Those colours make you feel warm just looking at them!


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