Tuesday, April 24, 2012


today, i have a day off from work and boy do i have plans for today!
and for once, my day off plans DON'T involve copious amounts of housework and running around like a mad woman!

today, if you need me, i'll be here...

in my craft nest.

i set all this stuff up on sunday night. bb came into the lounge room and made a noise. i said, 'oops, sorry, i made a mess.'
he replied with, 'you've made a nest'
and i didn't disagree!
today the heater will be turned on too, melbourne is turning out some frightful weather this morning!

now i'm off to make myself a giant mug of tea and a steamy bowl of porridge and to catch up on episodes of my new favourite show.
hope your tuesday is fabulous!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like bliss.
    And oddly similar to the scene before me.


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