Sunday, January 16, 2011

flood relief.

all week i've been trying to find the words to describe how horrible and awful this past week and a bit has been for our northern friends and i'm still trying. no words can fully describe it, it's horrific, horrible, horrendous.
i, as well as everyone else i'm sure, have been glued to the news, watching and re-watching the terrifying footage of cars, trucks, houses and people getting swept away in walls of water.
not to mention the terrible damage that has been left in the wake of the floods.


in a bid to try and help out the families, individuals and businesses that have lost so much in this freak of nature flood, i'm joining toni and a tonne of other bloggers and holding a flood relief auction.
my auction will start tomorrow so tune in for all the details tomorrow morning!

in the mean time, you can make donations here or call 1800 219 028.

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