Saturday, January 22, 2011


last night i attended my cousin's wedding.
it was beautiful, the ceremony was held at the botanical gardens so the setting was gorgeous. her dress was a fantastic, cream-coloured vintage number and looked a dream.
the reception was held in balaclava, at a very trendy and overall amazing venue. the food was divine, the drinks free-flowing and the company warm.
and the wedding blanket?
i did manage to get it finished. sneaking out to the car between the entree and main courses.
hence why there are no photos really....
i wasn't entirely happy with the length, i wanted it to be square originally but was completely out of time! i cheated by making my outside edge trebles along either end and single crochet along the sides.
in any case, after the absolute marathon of making it in the past 3 weeks, i feel giddily free. for the entire 3 weeks, i've been saying no to and putting off things that i've desperately wanted or needed to do (sleeping in, gardening, vaccuuming, dusting and organising) and now i find myself with an entire weekend to get some of it done. the boyfriend has even offered to cook dinner tonight!
so i'm off to do some housework (and probably actually enjoy it) while i dream about my next blankie project. you can bid for it here, you even get to design it yourself! and it's all for a fantastic cause. get in quick though, it ends VERY soon!!

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