Friday, February 5, 2016

day five - a 2015 finish.

this is the second in a pair of cardigans i was knitting for a pair of wee sisters, my cousins daughters.
the first, an orange number, was finished up quite a few months ago now... but this pink one languished a little in the lead up to all of the wedding fun in december.

on the day of my hens do, there were two little visitors... and i thought i'd use the opportunity to get these little visitors to choose buttons for their cardigans.
the owner of the orange, already completed cardigan, declared she didn't need buttons, and she would be taking the cardigan home and wore it immediately. she also declared a need for orange knitted pants ha ha!

the owner of the pink, yet to be finished cardigan, chose the buttons seen sewn on here (good choice, no?), and took up a hearty argument that hers was also done (it wasn't) and she could take hers home that day too. after i explained that everything was still a little raw to be taken home today (sleeve stitches on holders, midway through the body) we negotiated that it was NEARLY finished, with requests for cropped sleeves and body length.

the next logical question... but when will it be finished?? the next time i was due to see my cousin was the evening of my wedding reception, so being the crazy risk taker that i am, you'd better believe i promised that sweet young lady it would be done!

and done it was! it involved a lot of bartering with bb (can you please drive today so i can knit?) and i may have even partaken in a little bit of knitting post wedding ceremony, after our family lunch... mainly just because my wedding day wouldn't have been complete without a little knitting happening somewhere along the line ha ha!

do you commit to crazy deadlines with your projects? what's the strangest place you've ever pulled out a craft project to work on?

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful little cardigan. And that was certainly dedication to your promises. I don't believe I've ever heard of anyone knitting on their wedding day before. Well done!
    Blessings, Betsy


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