Tuesday, December 31, 2013

christmas snippets.

christmas was almost a week ago but i feel like i'm still recovering!
i was lucky enough to have both christmas day AND boxing day off from work so i spent the entire time down at mum and dads place, celebrating with them and my extended family.
it was pretty fantastic to be honest.

here are a couple of snapshots i managed to take in between celebrating...

peeling prawns around the fire.

the weather was ridiculously amazing on christmas day, perfectly still and beautifully sunny, and then a big temperature drop when it got dark. perfect for a fire!

the christmas tree dad and i foraged, after being decorated by my little bro, his friend and i.

my grandpas "fish and chip" lights run around the outside of the house too! so colourful!

my cousin requested a bush walk on boxing day...

so four of us tramped up the bush, in our boxing day best and boots! we had great fun though!

christmas day roast pork

so. delicous. that crackling was just as delicious as it looks!

and my mumma and her besty. again fireside.

how did you celebrate christmas this year? lots of catching up with family and friends? or a quieter approach?

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