Sunday, April 7, 2013


early on in january, i signed up to the frosted pumpkin woodland sampler.
every month, they email through another piece to work on. there's a space for every month

i've been trying to keep up to date with them, and have managed to get the large majority of the stitching done before the end of the month...
but i'd been missing a floss colour to put the finishing touches on a couple of months. until this afternoon that is!

here's january's block

and february's...

it's still missing some sparkly stars. my local spotlight doesn't seem to stock the floss they recommend for it!

here's march's block

i loved stitching up this little terrarium

and this is april's block

finished within a week ;)
i tend to be a bit like a dog with a bone with these patterns. as soon as it lands in my email, it's all i want to do!

oh and today's colour prompt for a month of is black.

which is the colour it is outside already. at 7pm.
i love the end of daylight savings! it means it's time for cosiness. hot chocolates, big bowls of steamy soup with crusty fresh bread, wooly blankies and socks and for the first time, warm kitty snuggles :D
it also means, for the next few weeks at least, i won't be getting up to go to the gym in the dark! huzzah!

are you a fan of the end of daylight savings too? are you stitching up a woodland sampler?


  1. Your sampler is lovely! Great little patterns for each month that are quick to work up. That's my kind of project. We don't change time around here. And it is usually always dark by 7 p.m. or so -- except during the winter when it's even earlier. Have a great week. Tammy

  2. Cute sampler. I'm not much of an embroidery person but it doesn't mean I don't like looking at other's work. Love that we are back in "normal" time again as I've always hated daylight savings.


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