Monday, December 31, 2012


new year's eve.
what a perfect time to reflect on the past year...

i made a list, and then when i turned 24, i made another.
i planned meals, well we did, bb helped :D
i started a makeover and opened a shop.
adopted a friend and decided to pay it forward
i grew and hooked and knitted and cooked.

i felt like it was a pretty great year!

tonight, i'm having a couple of quiet drinks with bb.
ringing in the new year in quiet and slow comfort (the perfect antidote to a busy christmas and stressful working period since!)

oh, and i'm rocking that glittery mani above. sparkles and camo green. be still my beating heart :D

what are you up to tonight? hope you're staying safe and happy! xo


  1. Happy New Year, your blogs always make me happy to read.

  2. You sure are a lot more organized than I am. I have been happily crocheting and blogging the day away and will carry that over into the evening. Most likely will be in bed before midnite. I'm such a wimp. Wishing you all the best for the new year, Tammy

  3. Your nails are as gorgeous as I hope the year ahead is for you, Nicole. Happiest new year! x


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