Tuesday, July 24, 2012


while i was spending the weekend in the countryside, mum decided to do a little spring cleaning.
my brother and i went through all of our old school books, from prep to twelve and had a little bit of a reminisce...

the coolest thing i found was this... a travel diary from 1996. the year we travelled around the west coast of australia.

i certainly wasn't the most wordy of seven year olds but there are some nice memories there :D

what have you been remembering lately?


  1. how cute! what a beautiful keep sake & reminder of a life not that long ago! thanks for sharing nicole. cheers

  2. What a wonderful thing to have. And the writing is so cute - content and actual writing. Love it.

  3. This is adorable Nicole and while we didn't go up as high as you we did a very similar trip - lots of familiar names - Port Augusta, Ceduna, Kalgoolie, Geraldton.
    Fabulous - definitely a keeper.


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