Monday, April 16, 2012

meal planning monday.

oops, it seems i forgot about blogging for a little while again. well it would seem anyway... i never forget, i just feel too tired and brain dead to write posts that anyone would actually want to read...

image source

but i'm back today, with some delicious meal plans for the week! last week was a bit of a disaster in terms of meal planning, and cooking in general as it was the first weekend in a long time that i wasn't able to visit a farmer's market and find some inspiring produce. it's really amazing the effect that delicious, fresh produce has on my cooking mojo!
anywho, i'm making do with what i can find at my local fresh-food outlets this week, as i've just had a big weekend of work, and have another next weekend too.

so what's for dinner tonight? tonight, i'm FINALLY going to get to making this recipe, as written by this lovely lady. i've got the afternoon free so i've got lots of delicious prep time :D

tomorrow night, date night! i'll have to find somewhere amazing to go out for dinner.

on wednesday, i've got work all day, so i'll be throwing some pork in the slow cooker for some thit heo kho tieu. i've never made it before but it sounds DELICIOUS!

thursday, i'll be working again, big surprise there ha ha! so a slow cooked chicken curry it is!

friday night, another late night at work, i think i might try a bolognaise in the slow cooker... i can only imagine how delicious it will be!

bb will be home all day on saturday, whereas i'll be at work, so he can organise dinner. yes indeedy!

and i feel that sunday is just that little bit too far away to worry about, don't you think?
i can't plan too far ahead ha ha!

what are your dinner plans for the week? or even just your general plans?


  1. Well, you know my dinner plans... Yours sounds delish. And seriously, bolognaise in the slow cooker - you will faint with delight when you walk in the front door. Oh. My. GOD.

    I hope you enjoy the chicken, oh, and the garlic. Mmmmm.

  2. Lol, I'm hungry again! I shouldn't read food posts when I'm trying to lose weight ;P.


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