Saturday, October 29, 2011

linking it up.

i feel like i've been a fairly slack blogger of late, a very lazy blogger. i've been linking up to memes and not looking at other peoples links. i've been signing up for bloggy linky posts, and not advertising on my blog. and it's blogtoberfest and i haven't even entered any giveaways!!!
very very slack!

the other day, i signed up to rie's universal craft blog directory.

a massive directory to find lots of crafty bloggers!

then, this evening, i added myself to the australian women bloggers directory.
lots of linking happening here! and i'm going to put some buttons in my sidebar. yep, i am.

now i'm off to enter some blogtoberfest giveaways, read over last weeks my place and yours posts and make a start on some ears for my first softie.

hope your weekend is going well!

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