Monday, January 3, 2011

postal love.

as i mentioned before i was very VERY lucky to win alli's december giveaway and i received some more fabulous prizes in the mail recently! gosh i love mail!

i received the chandelier necklace from stuff you'll love and i do SO love it! however it's sparked much debate amongst myself, the boy and my friends. the boy and a couple of my friends think it's strange as it's asymmetrical but i love it just the way it is!

the postman also brought me this cute-as-a-button beret from lisa of goodknits. if you think this hat is cute, you should see how it was wrapped!

amazing!!! how lovely are her business cards too? and that doily deco? i put it straight on the christmas tree (which i should probably take down today...)

well i'm off, i've just started a new big blankie (no, ripple blankie isn't finished yet, i'm not good at finishing things ok?) and it has a very close due date, the third weekend in january. yes, i'm crazy but it's an easy and quick pattern i swear! should be back to share tomorrow :D
until then, enjoy today's public holiday and the first day of the 5th cricket test (BLEURGH!)


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