- Sweet or Savoury? definitely savoury. mmmmmm cheese. drools.
- Dresses or Jeans? dress. they're so versatile and you can wear them in hot or cold weather (obviously with other clothes in the cold though :D)
- House or Apartment? house. if i can't have a garden, i'm a sad panda.
- Shop Online or Offline? offline. i like to touch things :D though online is a bit amazing too.
- DVDs or Downloads? downloads. my dvd players make too much noise.
- Cocktails or Juice? cocktails. to infinity.
- Chocolate or Strawberry? chocolate. chocolate dipped strawberries.
- Laptop or PC? laptop definitely. i like to roam ha ha.
- Magazines or Newspapers? magazines. they don't leave black marks on your fingers and the pages (of most) feel so lovely. plus the pictures look about a million times better and i LIKE pictures.
- Facebook or Twitter? twitter. no question.
- CDs or MP3s? mp3s. whenever i get a new cd, i convert it straight to mp3 and then the cd is lucky to be touched again.
- Kids or Pets? pets. i don't think i'm quite ready for kidlets yet... but they're on the to-do list. the far off to-do list. i want a chicken.
- Macaron or Cupcakes? cupcakes. i've not ever had a macaron so cupcakes win hands down.
- Walk or Run? walk. i don't like to sweat :S
- Breakfast in Bed or Breakfast Out? breakfast out. crumbs in bed = not fun.
- Market or Supermarket? market. you can never quite know how supermarket produce is...
- Sourdough or Grainy? yum sourdough!
- Heels or Flats? heels heels heels heels heels. ouch my feet. flats.
- Late nights or Not? late night. makes me feel like i'm being more productive, that is, until i sleep til noon.
- Coffee or Tea? tea. can NOT stand coffee. the boyfriend thinks i'm being a baby. it doesn't taste right.
will you play along?
Great fun learning more about you! I agree with about 50% of your choices but I will never tell which 50%... :)
ReplyDeletehaha, cool, I agree with about 80% of your answers. Hate coffee, love cheese, hate supermarkets, love cupcakes ..