Saturday, May 8, 2010

saturday morning adventures.

this morning was a busy one.
a new op-shop opened up, close by our house. aaaaaaaaand the local craft market was on.
i dragged the boyfriend down with the promise of potential mother's day presents (he's a very last minute shopper). i may have neglected to tell him about the trip i had planned to the new op shop because he has a hate for them, but in the end he very much enjoyed himself.
in fact he was the one that found most of this stuff!
so the picture up the top, is an amazing looking vintage telephone. $14.99. all the fittings are metal and lovely (and in need of a polish). can't wait to get it cleaned up and looking shiny and new! well old new at least.
it'll definitely take pride of place on my dresser.

i can very rarely leave an op shop without purchasing something (it is for a good cause after all) and that something is most usually wool for my stash. 6 and a half balls for $5.99.
and a lovely puzzle too. may have to raid dads shed for a nice solid piece of wood to keep it on. $2.99 for that one.

and the boyfriends best spot. a magnifying mirror. $5.99. it fits perfectly on our bathroom windowsill so i've been assured that he'll never miss any stray hairs shaving again.

we did then eventually make it to the craft market. it was a pretty small affair but i wasn't expecting it to be too big. we found a nice rosemary plant for mother's day that was potted up as soon as we got home into a nice earthy red pot.

now it's off to work for me so to all the mummies out there, happy mother's day for tomorrow!

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